Friday, December 16, 2011

Updated PDP


In reflecting on my professional development, I consider that my skills and competencies have developed significantly and that my level of responsibility has developed to reflect this. Medical school is a challenging task that will draw on my skills across a very broad range of areas. Majoring in biotechnology and aspiring to go to medical school has been stressful, however it has also been a very rewarding area of work and one that I feel has significantly developed my critical thinking skills and will provide a robust basis to further my professional development. I also believe that my experience at UW- STOUT has enabled me to start to develop a wider generic skill set through small class sizes, more one on one time with professors, and a hands on learning experience. This will provide a strong basis from which to develop my future career within medical school and my desired field.

• Well developed analytical and research skills
• Strong report writing/policy skills
• Strong interpersonal skills
• Events
• Limited knowledge of hospital settings
• No direct line-management experience
• Need to develop skills in a professional hospital setting

• Applied Science speaker series
• The Winter Marshfield Clinic Pre-med and Allied Health Experience
• internship
• research
• experience
• internship
• Competition from recent increase in number of high calibre graduates applying for medical school


Period: October 2011 October 2015 date of next review: March 2015


Current job title and employer details
University of Wisconsin stout health and fitness center

Current job / role
Work with people to lose weight, desk attendant

Current strengths
• Analytical and research skills these were also significantly developed through my work as an undergraduate and have been critical in supporting my preparation for medical school
• Project management and collaborative working my project management through presenting my research project to the pre-medical health society has improved in terms of working with colleagues and working with administrators.

Current areas for development
• engaging and working with the local community as a volunteer – due to my role as a student there is limited time i have to volunteer. Winter break and summer break are the times that i would have the most time to offer to volunteer.
• Shadowing people in multiple fields including chemistry.
• Determine which field i would like to enter whether that be chemistry or medical personnel.
• Meet with anaesthesiologist

Long term goals
My long term goal is to graduate from medical school and specialize in oncology or anaesthesiology. While these are both ambitious goals. Look up several different jobs in the more chemical focused medical fields.

Short term goals
• I will develop my skills in terms of working with the local community and working with research opportunities offered at stout.
• I will apply to the The Winter Marshfield Clinic Pre-med and Allied Health Experience..
• Apply to be a lab tech
• Start research with dr. Pickart.


Objective 1: get a good mcat score

How will I get there? Start studying early. Maybe take a class from Princeton review or another mcat review program

Objective 2: raise gpa.

How will I get there? Follow study plan, make sure that test dates are known and start studying for test early, no late or missing assignments

Objective 3:.

How will I get there? Start research at stout. Get an internship at a hospital. Get a job at a hospital this summer.

1. Developing a plan with a mentor using individual and school assessments,
teacher standards, goals of the desired job area, school improvement plan.
2. Listing goals and prioritizing according to the standard indicated.
3. Giving headings to major goals with specific plans-of-action and strategies.
4. Identifying the resources needed to achieve the goals and the persons involved.
5. Reviewing the plan and supporting portfolio during specified dates to evaluate
success and redefine goals and plans-of-action.
6. Recording all information, books read, conferences attended and notes.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Businnessman or Entrepreneur?

A businessman and an entrepreneur seemed like the same thing to me before the lecture but afterwards i started to think about what one would do differently than the other. i read through the posted website again and it made it seem as if being an entrepreneur was the way to go. but starting a business is never easy unless you already have plenty of money to pour into your desired business. one of my friends dads in high school had started 2 businesses to have them both fall through. he started a third while still in debt from the first two and that one was unsuccessful also. things kept going downhill from there because he was trying to pay for a failing business while dealing with growing debts. his experience really discouraged me from starting a business. but this was all used with the standard definition of and entrepreneur. i saw an entrepreneur as a person who started a business and ran it just as any other businessman would. the definition provided in class made being an entrepreneur into a lifestyle.

I do not think that you could clearly define what i wish to become in my future field as a businessman or an entrepreneur. i have values that lay on both sides of the two. i believe in competition and cooperation because both can help a person reach their goals. i would like to have free time for family and friends but i also believe in staying dedicated to your work. i think that i will most likely start off as more of the business type but as i gain experience and learn more about the field that i will naturally gravitate to a more entrepreneur lifestyle.

i think that some people are perfectly fine with leading a life alone and being absorbed in their work. while others need people around them and enjoy having time to spend with family and friends. i have no intention of having kids or getting married right out of school. for reasons like this i think that being a business man is a younger mans game. we come out of school in debt so i think that many people will spend the first few years chasing money to become independent and at this point they may start to realize that they would like a family. this is why i think that i will be a businessman starting off and as i start to settle down ill become more of the entrepreneur type.

Implementing a Lean Process

in my 5S process i spent a lot of time making multiple trips to the same place. i went outside to the dumpster at least 4 times and all of that could have been saved until the end where i could have just made on big trip. the same went for the drawers and closets. i found myself making multiple trips to the same drawer and messing up what i had already cleaned. i think that my time would have been much more efficiently used if i had taken a couple minutes to look around the room and get a feel for where things were and where they were going to go. i would recommend making a grid of the room on paper and taking 5 minutes or so just to get an idea of what needs to go where and how many trips need to be made to each place. i think if i had done this i would have saved quite a bit of time when completing my 5S process.

Criteria for evaluation

Quality: Evaluate group members by ranking in numerical order; do not include yourself in this evaluation.
1. Participation:
a. researching topics
b. adding to the conversation
c. asking questions
d. attendance in group meeting and class

2. contributions
a. quality effort

3. Tasks accomplished
a. follow the timeline established by the group

4. professionalism

5. communication

each person will be assigned a number 1-8 and the total number of points will decide the standings. if there is a tie then the choice of placement is up to the person doing the evaluation.

Sunday, December 11, 2011



sorting: i eliminated all unnecessary objects from the room.

straightening. there was a place for every thing and everything was put into that place. if it did not have one or need one it was tossed.

cleaning: i vacuumed the carpet and cleaned the windows. i also cleaned off the desk and the futon.

standardizing: since the desks are owned by two different people with different values i was not able to make their desks the same.but the closets are both organized in close to the same manner.

sustaining: the room was maintained for about a week and then it was messed up again and had to be cleaned.

safety: the room was as safe as a dorm room could be considering that the entire thing is a bacteria culture.

security: the locks work the same and since everything was in order and clean i suppose it was more appealing to a thief so i guess i put the room at risk.

satisfaction: i assure you the persons in that room were satisfied with the job. so satisfied they kept calling me maid long after the process was over.

Quality management process

Vesta is a quality management process in the medical development field. they specialize mostly in product development.

there are 3 main parts to the Vesta process. process validation, lean six sigma, and analytics and reporting.

all vesta systems are designed to support compliance. they are ISO registered and FDA compliant.

process validation begins with pre-production. some of the tools used are reviewing design attributes, establishing process parameters, tooling validation, prototyping, testing and inspection.

Vesta incorporates Lean Six Sigma quality management principles at every level of their operation to verify that quality standards are being met, and to identify areas in need of improvement.

they conduct Gauge Reproducibility and Repeatability Studies. And they run validation includes a first article inspection report, qualification data collection and statistical analysis. they continually analyze the results and use them as guides for refinement of the process.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Ethical Question

a often argued question in the medical field is whether or not physician assisted suicide should be allowed. there are many valid arguments for both sides of this question. "should physician assisted suicide be allowed?"

Pro - physician assisted suicide

1."The right of a competent, terminally ill person to avoid excruciating pain and embrace a timely and dignified death bears the sanction of history and is implicit in the concept of ordered liberty. The exercise of this right is as central to personal autonomy and bodily integrity as rights safeguarded by this Court's decisions relating to marriage, family relationships, procreation, contraception, child rearing and the refusal or termination of life-saving medical treatment. In particular, this Court's recent decisions concerning the right to refuse medical treatment and the right to abortion instruct that a mentally competent, terminally ill person has a protected liberty interest in choosing to end intolerable suffering by bringing about his or her own death."
- ACLU Amicus Brief in Vacco v. Quill
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
Dec. 10, 1996

2. "Living wills can be used to refuse extraordinary, life-prolonging care and are effective in providing clear and convincing evidence that may be necessary under state statutes to refuse care after one becomes terminally ill.

A recent Pennsylvania case shows the power a living will can have. In that case, a Bucks County man was not given a feeding tube, even though his wife requested he receive one, because his living will, executed seven years prior, clearly stated that he did 'not want tube feeding or any other artificial invasive form of nutrition'...

A living will provides clear and convincing evidence of one's wishes regarding end-of-life care."

- Joseph Pozzuolo, JD
Professor, Neuman College
Lisa Lassoff, JD
Associate, Reed Smith
Jamie Valentine, JD
Associate, Pozzuolo & Perkiss
"Why Living Wills/Advance Directives Are an Essential Part of Estate Planning," Journal of Financial Service Professionals Sep. 2005

why can a will be obeyed but when the person is actually living, willing and competent this is not the case?

3."At the Hemlock Society we get calls daily from desperate people who are looking for someone like Jack Kevorkian to end their lives which have lost all quality... Americans should enjoy a right guaranteed in the European Declaration of Human Rights -- the right not to be forced to suffer. It should be considered as much of a crime to make someone live who with justification does not wish to continue as it is to take life without consent."

- Faye Girsh, EdD
Senior Adviser, Final Exit Network,
"How Shall We Die," Free Inquiry
Winter 2001

Against Physician Assisted Suicide.

1. "The history of the law's treatment of assisted suicide in this country has been and continues to be one of the rejection of nearly all efforts to permit it. That being the case, our decisions lead us to conclude that the asserted 'right' to assistance in committing suicide is not a fundamental liberty interest protected by the Due Process Clause."

- Washington v. Glucksberg (63 KB)
US Supreme Court Majority Opinion
June 26, 1997

2. "Activists often claim that laws against euthanasia and assisted suicide are government mandated suffering. But this claim would be similar to saying that laws against selling contaminated food are government mandated starvation.

Laws against euthanasia and assisted suicide are in place to prevent abuse and to protect people from unscrupulous doctors and others. They are not, and never have been, intended to make anyone suffer."

- Rita Marker, JD
Executive Director
Kathi Hamlon
Policy Analyst
International Task Force on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide
"Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide: Frequently Asked Questions,"
Jan. 2010

3. "The prohibition against killing patients... stands as the first promise of self-restraint sworn to in the Hippocratic Oath, as medicine's primary taboo: 'I will neither give a deadly drug to anybody if asked for it, nor will I make a suggestion to this effect'... In forswearing the giving of poison when asked for it, the Hippocratic physician rejects the view that the patient's choice for death can make killing him right. For the physician, at least, human life in living bodies commands respect and reverence--by its very nature. As its respectability does not depend upon human agreement or patient consent, revocation of one's consent to live does not deprive one's living body of respectability. The deepest ethical principle restraining the physician's power is not the autonomy or freedom of the patient; neither is it his own compassion or good intention. Rather, it is the dignity and mysterious power of human life itself, and therefore, also what the Oath calls the purity and holiness of life and art to which he has sworn devotion."

- Leon Kass, MD, PhD
Addie Clark Harding Professor, Committee on Social Thought and the College, University of Chicago
"Neither for Love nor Money," Public Interest
Winter 1989

the basics of this argument are presented above. the main points focus on whether or not the constitution allows for euthanasia,the competence of the patient, and whether or not the hippocratic oath would allow euthanasia.

i believe that if the right criteria has been met and the patient is terminally ill that physician assisted suicide should be allowed.

whether or not the constitution allows for euthanasia should not be a main part of this argument. while the constitution sets out parameters for the way this country is governed, the constitution does not outline every persons morals. in our country there are many different peoples with many different morals and it is something the us has been reputably proud of. you cannot limit peoples morals or beliefs through governmental policies. specific cases need specific attention and guidelines and should not be generalized by the constitution.

the competence of the patient is a tricky situation. to fully address this issue there would have to be a organization like the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, the principal forensic psychiatric organization in the United States, to train and educate specialized psychiatrists to determine the cognitive state of patients. this organization would govern over euthanasia cases and they would be able to provide individual attention to each case.

the hippocratic oath is not set in stone. the oath has been changed several times to accommodate the changes in medical practice over the years. some of these changes have been to allow women to study medicine and allowing physicians to break the skin of patients. the oath states that physicians should do no harm. isnt keeping a patient alive in a state of intense pain and suffering doing harm to the patient? while killing the patient causes more harm in the form of ending the patients life early, hasnt the physician ended prolonged suffering at the wishes of the patient? removing a person from continuous suffering by death at their own wish should be considered a morally sound action.