A businessman and an entrepreneur seemed like the same thing to me before the lecture but afterwards i started to think about what one would do differently than the other. i read through the posted website again and it made it seem as if being an entrepreneur was the way to go. but starting a business is never easy unless you already have plenty of money to pour into your desired business. one of my friends dads in high school had started 2 businesses to have them both fall through. he started a third while still in debt from the first two and that one was unsuccessful also. things kept going downhill from there because he was trying to pay for a failing business while dealing with growing debts. his experience really discouraged me from starting a business. but this was all used with the standard definition of and entrepreneur. i saw an entrepreneur as a person who started a business and ran it just as any other businessman would. the definition provided in class made being an entrepreneur into a lifestyle.
I do not think that you could clearly define what i wish to become in my future field as a businessman or an entrepreneur. i have values that lay on both sides of the two. i believe in competition and cooperation because both can help a person reach their goals. i would like to have free time for family and friends but i also believe in staying dedicated to your work. i think that i will most likely start off as more of the business type but as i gain experience and learn more about the field that i will naturally gravitate to a more entrepreneur lifestyle.
i think that some people are perfectly fine with leading a life alone and being absorbed in their work. while others need people around them and enjoy having time to spend with family and friends. i have no intention of having kids or getting married right out of school. for reasons like this i think that being a business man is a younger mans game. we come out of school in debt so i think that many people will spend the first few years chasing money to become independent and at this point they may start to realize that they would like a family. this is why i think that i will be a businessman starting off and as i start to settle down ill become more of the entrepreneur type.
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