Monday, December 12, 2011

Implementing a Lean Process

in my 5S process i spent a lot of time making multiple trips to the same place. i went outside to the dumpster at least 4 times and all of that could have been saved until the end where i could have just made on big trip. the same went for the drawers and closets. i found myself making multiple trips to the same drawer and messing up what i had already cleaned. i think that my time would have been much more efficiently used if i had taken a couple minutes to look around the room and get a feel for where things were and where they were going to go. i would recommend making a grid of the room on paper and taking 5 minutes or so just to get an idea of what needs to go where and how many trips need to be made to each place. i think if i had done this i would have saved quite a bit of time when completing my 5S process.

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